Thursday, November 17, 2011

Personal Learning Contract

English 1 CP
Personal Learning Contract
1. I will pay attention in class
A. Listen to the teacher whenever they talk
B. Give eye contact and full attention to the speaker

2. I will get good grades my homework/ class work
B.ask questions so I can understand
C.try every question on the page before giving up

3. I will be a postive student
A. come into class putting all problems behind
B. I will work with other students without a problem or complaint

4.I will be organized
A. Keep binder clean
B. Keep all papers neat and in my binder

5. I will have good behavior
A. I will follow all class rules
B. I will do what the teacher tells me to do.

The Teacher Will…
6. The teacher will answer any questions I have.
A. if I don’t understand the teacher will fully explain to me.

7. The teacher will accept the way I am.
A. they won’t judge me
B. they wont make fun of my answers

8. The teacher will make class exciting.
A. even if the topic is boring they can make it fun
B. they can show videos or do fun projects with it.

9. The teacher will come in class with a positive attitude
A. Put all problems behind.
B. not take out their anger on other students

10. The teacher will understand the way I learn.
A. They can get to know me better and try to help me learn better.
B. work with me until i full understand.